Saturday, January 31, 2009

update =]

okay so things with my dad are slowly starting to get better with my dad (at least i hope so) but everytime i think it is he does something else and i get shot down again. so we went to dinner the other day. my mom and my dad together ? yeah really weird. but it went surprisingly well. i just really hope eventually things will get better.

the boyfriend is still amazing. we have our ups and downs but mostly ups =] i cant help but think sometimes that hes too good for me and there is someone out there that is better for him than i am. is it normal for me to think that? it sure doesnt stop me from loving him =] thats all that matters.

my best friend is pretty amazing too. i love her to death. she has had a lot of guys screw her over and i really hope someday soon she finds someone that actually cares but its hard to find someone like that these days. but if she doesnt find someone she always has me =p

by the way if anyone is reading these i think you should let me know =]

p.s. i like smileys ;)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Life <3

Well I'm new to thiss so I gotta get used to it..

I'm finally satisfied with how my life is going. I have been through so much crap, but it's finally getting better.

My parents are trying to get a divorce but it has taken a year and it's still not final. My dad has completely lost his mind and his ability to be a father no matter how many "parenting classes" or "anger classes" he has taken.But on the other hand I have gotten super close too my mom through the whole thing. Its great to be able to talk to her and tell her things.We have our moments, but we're like best friends =]

I've made a few mistakes when it comes to boys, but I've learned from my mistakes and i think i finally found the one i want to stick with =]. My Ker-bear means everything to me. We have so much fun when we're together in unbelievable. He makes me so happy its amazing. Its only been a month but it seems like so much longer than that. If I wouldn't have made that stupid mistake it could have been 11 months. But I learned and now we're together and that's all that matters.

I think I'm gonna like blogging so I'll keep this updated on how amazing my life is <3